StylesPk is only the source to provide the latest fashion and style images and information to fashion seekers. All the photos and information are the property of the several owners.
All material and Photos uploaded on this site have been picked up from the web and are believed to be in the “public domain” especially in social media like Facebook pages and posts and free websites. So If you are the lawful owner of any design, information, image, or other stuff posted here, and want to remove it, so email us with your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address at or on the contact page, and it will be removed immediately on priority basis.
We try to collect the best of designers’ and models’ information that is the latest and up-to-date. But we are not responsible if the email or website dress may be altered by the source owners. Most of StylesPk’s information is free and available for anyone. We do not copy or publish material that is prohibited or may be banned on public domains.
Most of the data is for beauty and dressing which is only the promotion purpose for any design owner or publisher. That is delightful for source owners. But if mistakenly StylesPk has any such material that may be illegal or violating we will be happy to remove it.
Please contact us with any legal problems and we’ll be happy to remove anything in breach.
“Sec. 107″. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use information to us by E-Mail at and we will remove the infringing material.