Health benefits of Eating walnut (Akhrot Nuts) in Winter

Walnut has long been considered a useful and nutritious product, which contains a huge number of vitamins, microelements, and other essential substances. They were first grown in the Balkans, and now they successfully grow around the world, in the Caucasus, in the expanses of Central Asia and in the Crimea. Useful properties of walnut kernels. The walnut benefits are not hidden from anyone, as they are hot in their mechanism for a human body. walnuts benefits

Useful properties of walnut kernels

Walnut or Akhrot is useful for the male and female body, this product is rich in fats and proteins, it contains a lot of vitamin C, there are salts of iron and cobalt. The leaves of this plant contain tanning components, serotonin, mineral salts, and flavonoids. A lot of ascorbic acid and tannins are also found in the green pericarp. Useful properties endowed with each individual part of the fruit. In folk medicine, kernels, leaves, nut seed oil, and even the bark from this tree are used to make medicinal drugs, and its beneficial properties are very extensive and diverse. So you may consider the health benefits of walnuts are most essential for your body. I mostly love to use in the winter season, As this is the time we need some hot energy for our body.

The beneficial effect on the heart, kidneys, and brain

Regular use of this product will reduce to a minimum the level of cholesterol in the blood. Thanks to the vitamin complexes and antioxidants in the walnut composition, this product helps to improve memory and reduce the risk of cancer.

Fights aging

This product also increases the performance of the endothelium, which is responsible for the proper and effective functioning of the kidneys and helps normalize blood pressure, normal blood clotting.

The beneficial effect on male potency


Regular use of nut kernels helps to increase blood circulation in the genitals and stimulate spermatogenesis.


Contains beneficial vegetable protein

This is an indispensable product for vegetarians. It contains predominantly plant proteins, absorbed by the human body much better than animals. Some fruits like Walnut, you must know how to eat walnut with other mixing combinations.


Strengthens the immune system


Extensive vitamin complex (vitamins B, A, PP, H, E, C) and a large number of trace elements (iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus) strengthen the body’s defenses and help normalize metabolic processes. The immature fruits of the walnut are of great benefit to the body. Of them prepare a delicious jam, which retains all the useful qualities.

Improves memory


Long since Akhrot or walnuts were considered food for thought. This product contributes to the improvement of human mental activity and revitalization of the brain.

The benefits of the green walnut peel

  • helps with stomach disorders (in the form of alcohol tinctures);
  • treats rheumatic pains (in the form of gruel);
  • helps strengthen tooth enamel and gums and prevent tooth decay (as a paste). A decoction of green peel is used for rinsing the mouth;
  • has bactericidal properties;
  • protects the body from radiation exposure.

See also Green Tea benifits

Walnuts with honey

When dystrophy or during recovery after a long debilitating disease, physicians recommend that patients use a mixture of dry walnuts and honey in equal proportions three times a day before meals;

To clean the vessels:  honey, chopped nuts, raisins, lemon juice – all these ingredients are mixed and the resulting composition is taken three times a day, half an hour before meals, one tablespoon.


Fruit Jam

Jam from the fruits of this gift of nature will help strengthen the immune system, adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Walnuts for weight loss

Despite the high-calorie content, they help to lose weight and must necessarily be part of a wellness diet. After numerous studies, scientists have found that their use contributes to the stabilization of weight: this product contains high-quality protein that promotes muscle growth and reduces fat mass.

Medicinal products based on walnut / Akhrot leaves

Against skin diseases in cosmetology and dermatology, gruel from walnut leaves is used;

In diseases of the liver and biliary tract: the leaves of the tree are mixed with flowers of celandine, three-leaf watch leaves, chamomile flower baskets. This herbal collection poured 1 cup of boiling water, infused for 1 hour. The infusion takes half a cup twice a day, after meals.

Read also: Dry skin treatment

The benefits of walnut oil

  1. regular use can reduce cholesterol
  2. It has a powerful preventive effect on the human body, helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis, fight diseases of the cardiovascular system and metabolic disorders
  3. recommended for people suffering from chronic arthritis, various skin diseases
  4. promotes the rapid healing of wounds, ulcers, and burns
  5. helps in the fight against excess weight
  6. improves the color and durability of tanning
  7. contains a huge amount of vitamin E, which will be useful for older people, especially those suffering from coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis
  8. helps the body to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the high acidity of the stomach, eliminate hyperthyroidism
  9. has excellent anthelminthic properties
  • effectively fights tuberculosis
  • is an important moisturizing ingredient for dry skin
  • used in ophthalmology for diseases of vision, otitis, and conjunctivitis

Recipes for the preparation of remedies based on walnuts


Partition tincture

Against mastopathy and for the cleansing of blood vessels: partitions are mixed with vodka in the ratio of 1:10 and infused for 1 month. This infusion is also recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes, colitis or hypertension. It is necessary to use the finished alcohol composition three times a day, 20-30 drops each month.

In case of diabetes mellitus: a glass bottle with a capacity of half a liter is filled with one-third with walnut partitions, and top up with vodka. Insist for two weeks, then strain and take 1 tablespoon twice a day before meals. In diabetes, walnut shells are also used. They are crushed to a powdered state and then used to treat non-healing ulcers, large wounds, and burns.


Harmful properties of walnut and its components

This fruit is certainly a storehouse of useful properties. However, as with almost any other product with strong beneficial properties, it has its own contraindications. In some diseases, the use of drugs based on walnuts is prohibited. if you have some diseases then you must ask your doctor if you can eat it or not.


Traditional medicine has a lot of healing recipes based on walnuts, with which you can cure certain ailments. The kernels themselves are mixed with other additives, and infusions and decoctions are prepared on the basis of the shell. You can also make butter from nuts, or buy it in a store.

Alternative medicine offers patients treatment with walnut, this product has a large number of useful properties, which should include:

  • Strengthen the body’s immune system. As part of the nut contains a lot of nutrients, for this reason, the product has such a high level of benefits to the body. It is best to include the product in your diet during the period of spring and autumn when the body is particularly noticeable lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Treatment of anemia. The nut contains a lot of iron, as well as zinc, so the product perfectly fights the lack of hemoglobin in the blood. Continuous use of the nut provides an opportunity to improve well-being and overall health.
  • Treatment of the heart and blood vessels. The nuclei are composed of vitamins E and A, they are necessary for the body, as they improve the work of all organ systems, and also clean the vessels of toxins and harmful cholesterol. In addition, the nut helps to strengthen the blood vessels and cleans the blood.
  • Improving the digestive system. As part of the fruit contains protein of plant origin, which improves the work of the stomach and intestines, and also relieves constipation and does not allow dysbacteriosis to develop. Additionally, the protein improves intestinal microflora.
  • Soothing effect. Here you can highlight the benefits and harms of the product because for the treatment used tincture based on vodka. Before applying the tool, you should consult with your doctor.

You can use the product to reduce blood sugar, which is useful for diabetics. For such treatment, the tincture is used based on walnut partition walls. But if we talk about the benefits and harms of the nut itself for the body of a sick person, then endocrinologists strongly do not recommend using the product as food.

Many people wonder how much to eat this product, as well as its calorie content. In fact, the calorie content of the fruit is quite high, for one hundred grams of the product accounts for more than 650 kcal, so you should not abuse the nuts. But it is useful to include the fruits in the diet with increased mental and physical exertion. Protein in the composition helps the body recover faster.

See also: Benefits of Natural Fruits 

Consumer Tips

Because of their low water content, you do not have to be a nutritionist to know that dried fruits are richer than their counterparts in the same quantity. On average, 100g of dried fruits contain between 200 and 300 kcal. Moreover, they are a real mine of nutrients, fibers, trace elements and do not have cholesterol. That’s why marathoners and other endurance athletes love them. Dry fruits, however, have a defect, the absence of vitamin C that does not support the drying phase. “Whatever the activity we have in modern life, dried fruits are very practical. It is enough to eat small amounts to have energy and a supply of minerals, fiber and trace elements, “says Jean Marie.

“Complementarity. That’s the word to remember. Dried fruits are not made to replace other foods, but to be introduced in small quantities in our daily lives. For example, they can be used in the preparation of recipes, coming to be incorporated into different culinary preparations (starters/salads, main dishes, desserts/yogurts/ creams, etc.) or be tasted plain, simply in snack “advises Linda Marry.

Very interesting from a nutritional point of view, they are less important in terms of calories. Pay attention, especially to oilseeds. Limit during appetizers where the rate of calories often tends to explode. “The rule: enjoy yourself while consuming them with caution. To savor a handful a day remains the ideal. Half dried fruits, high energy, half nuts, high in good fats, omega 3 and unsaturated fatty acids “advises Harry Berard.