Cute Pakistani Model Host and Actress Sanam Baloch’s Ties a knot with Abdullah Farhatullah. In the past, they were both seen together on a TV but no one can imagine that the couple is fall in love and turn their relationship into a wedding. It is learned by sources, only the Nikkah event is staged on those days and the date of Rukhsati and others Events like Mehndi, Dholki, Braat will be planned on some next days.
Sanam Baloch and Abdullah Farhatullah both were in love with each other from a long time but their love remains secret between them, told by sanam baloch sister Sabreen Baloch. Abdullah Farhat ullah is a very close friend of Sanam Baloch. Wedding Pictures of Sanam Baloch Wedding Pictures With Abdullah Farhatullah are rarely available on internet. But we collection some latest pictures of Sanam Baloch Marriage Pictures & Photos. Now see pictures of Sanam Baloch Wedding Mehndi Barat Pictures Photos Images 2013 with Abdullah Farhatullah…
TV Host Sanam Baloch Wedding Pictures With Abdullah Farhatullah